Irish Language Blessings - Irish Gaelic Blessings
Irish Gaelic blessings are a massive part of the Irish language. Irish culture has traditionally respected the widom of the elders, and their accumulated knowledge. This site gives you a range of Irish blessings in Gaelic (Irish Gaelic). Here, you will find only the tip of the iceberg - the Irish language is full of funny, wise, and indeed interesting blessings and sayings. These well-known phrases have been traditionally a way of passing down knowledge and common sense from generation to generation. Many of these blessings are probably too old to trace back, and have been in used for hundreds upon hundreds of years.
A hundred thousand welcomes to you!
Munster | Céad míle fáilte romhat! | cade meelah foyle-ta row-ott | |
Ulster | Céad míle fáilte romhat! | ceyd meelah fall-cha row-utt | |
Connacht | Céad míle fáilte romhat! | cade meelah foyle-ta row-ott |
Played/downloaded 487,263 times
The grace of God be with you
Munster | Rath Dé ort! | rah jay urt | |
Ulster | Rath Dé ort | rah jay urt | |
Connacht | Rath Dé ort! | rah jay urt |
Played/downloaded 346,103 times
Goodbye and blessings with you
Munster | Slán agus beannacht leat | slawn ogg-us ban-ocked lyat | |
Ulster | Slán agus beannacht leat | slaan agg-us ban-ocked latt | |
Connacht | Slán agus beannacht leat | slawn ogg-us ban-ocked lyat |
Played/downloaded 292,941 times
You have found quite a unique web site, if we may say so! No other site will allow you to easily listen to all three dialects of the Irish language side-by-side. It's an excellent way to get to know the sounds of the language, at your own pace. Or you can just impress your friends by learning off your favorite phrases.
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By signing up to become an Gold Member, you'll have access to more that just those free phrases above. You'll be able to listen to a massive 900+ recordings of the Irish language, ready to listen to at your own pace. What's more, membership is non-expiring. Gold Members can even download the MP3 version of each recording.
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welcome back
Fáilte ar ais
May God not weaken your hand
Nár lagaí Dia do lámh!
You're welcome.
Tá fáilte romhat.
Enjoy the weekend
Bain taithneamh as an deireadh seachtaine
Happy birthday
Breithlá sona duit
Good night, sleep well
Oíche mhaith, codladh sámh
Peace be with you
Síochán leat
Happy Christmas
Nollaig shona duit
Have a good journey
Go n-éirí an bóthar leat!
music and fun
ceol 's craic
Go maire tú an lá!
May he Rest In Peace
Ar dheis Dé go raibh a anam
That's all, I don’t have any other story
Sin sin, níl aon scéal eile agam
Happy new year
Athbhliain faoi mhaise duit
Get better soon
Go mbíodh biseach ort gan mhoill
The blessing of God on you.
Bail ó Dhia ort
Good health to you.
Sláinte chugat
Sleep well
Codladh sámh
Become a Gold Member to listen to member-only phrases!
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- Unlimited access to all recordings
- That’s over 900 recordings
- MP3 downloads of each recording
- Membership is non-expiring
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